Popular keywords: sensor, tilt sensor, electronic compass, fiber optic gyroscope, north finder, inertial navigation, combined inertial navigation, sinker, accelerometer

Coal mining machinery is the main equipment used in the comprehensive mechanized coal mining process to complete the coal dropping and loading processes, and is one of the important key equipment for mechanized production in coal mines. With the development of modern technology, the structural composition and functional efficiency of coal mining machines are becoming increasingly complex, and the coal mining arm is the main coal mining equipment, which needs to meet the strong vibration working state of coal mining machines, excavators or tunneling machines.

Wuxi Huilian Information Technology Co., Ltd

The working environment of the coal mining machine is extremely harsh, dark and humid, and the working face is filled with coal dust. Many explosion-proof inclination sensors often encounter difficulties in signal acquisition, unstable transmission, multiple interference signals, and reduced reliability in dynamic measurement. This is because the construction design of these sensors is more suitable for static measurement situations, and their dynamic measurement is more limited. However, the dynamic inclination sensor developed and designed by Huilian Technology overcomes the above limitations. This sensor can achieve precise measurement and control, allowing construction operators to adjust their posture in a timely manner, improve coal mining efficiency, and ensure construction safety, playing an important role.

Wuxi Huilian Information Technology Co., Ltd